Welcome ...
Rock Christopher Marketing & Publishing
Brand Marketing Models, Strategy, Start-up Consulting, Advisory and Publishing
Your Internet & Social Success Simplified ...
Our Mission is to Make Your Mission a Reality ... the difference is our unique blend of experiences, our established social network and system of content distribution. The difference is in "how" we do what we do for you.
Through strategic planning, execution of essential tasks with simplified proven Internet Marketing systems we do what it takes, in the trenches day by day, to provide you with uniquely branded Social Media Services and Solutions.
Impact-Site-Verification: 6c8d572a-bc4f-4c72-b521-5b4c67906593
Summary of Experience -
20+ years building Business Models, Online Businesses and Start-Ups
12 years Social Media Marketing and Management.
10 years Building Online Communities.
3 years AI Income and Tools
Consulting and Coaching -
Brand Creation, Strategic Development, & Marketing Consulting
Business Development Consulting and Coaching
Content Development, Distribution and Monetization
Industries Served - Business, Internet Business, Event Marketing, Writers and Authors Branding and Book Marketing, Travel, Medical, Non-Profits, Wellness and Nutrition, Technical and Remote Work Industry.
Internet Advertising, PR and Digital Marketing Consulting
Internet Business Development and Strategic Alliance Consulting
Social Media Consulting - How to Develop Audience and Brand Influence
Hashtag Marketing Campaigns
Community Building
AI Books and Publishing
Planning -
Mission Statement Development
Unique Brand & Business Model Plans
Personal Branding Plans
Business Brand Creation & Plans
Marketing & Public Relations Plans
Funding or Venture Capital Plans
Business Start-Ups Plans
Non-Profit Plans and Development
Internet Marketing Plans
Social Media Plans
Digital Marketing Consulting
Internet Marketing
Public Relations - Press Release Creation & Distribution
YouTube Channel Creation & Marketing
Twitter - Follow and Content Management & Marketing
Facebook - Audience and Content Management
Social Media Community Development and Marketing
Hashtag Marketing Campaigns
Established Twitter / X.com Reach, Impact and Communities
When you seek a Twitter / X.com Marketing Company ask them to show you how many followers and the community reach that they have built. You can't build enough exposure to bring you leads or sales without being able to "reach" the right quantity and target audience. We have proven system of building your Audience, Brand Influence and Community on Twitter.
Our uniqueness is that we can share your brand or business in our 10 year established Influencer Networks reaching millions weekly.
Top X.com / Twitter Accounts -
Please note these are just a few examples of Social Media accounts.
We have many clients that are confidential. However, we can provide
references upon request.
Social Communities Established by Rock Christopher
#SuccessTRAIN - #BusinessMonday Hosted Event 1PM to 7PM EST
Rock Christopher Founder of #SuccessTRAIN
#JoYTrain - Tuesday Hosted Event 11AM to 7PM EST
#JoYTrain Co-Founder with @KariJoys see JoYTrain.org
Social Media Accomplishments -
Social Media Influencer
Top 1% Kred RankContent Marketing Distribution We have a scalable system of posting 1700+
Social Media Post weekly.The top VIP Influencer followers that are interacting daily with our accounts are followed by over 30 Million followers
Quality Content Shared - 2021 @RockChristopher is ranked by
RetweetRank.com for number of Retweets in the top 1% of Twitter with a reported 99.11% shared or retweet rate.#SuccessTRAIN Leadership and Influencers Alliance on Twitter has a weekly average social reach of 100+ million for the past two years.
#SuccessTRAIN is a Global Social Media Community created and managed by Rock Christopher Agency.
#SuccessTRAIN reaches millions weekly.
See Example Reach Report for #SuccessTRAIN - RetweetRank
- 100+ Million Reach Weekly